Jay Yan’s whisper

21 09 2009

I read the interview with Jay Yan.

I am interested in his installation whisper 2005. Freshly cut calla lily flowers whispers into the viewer’s ears. It looks extremely poetic as the writer said in the interview.

The technic of this installation is complex, but the effect and idea is simple and elegant.

I want to create something has random and naturally movements or effects, too.

Maeda’s Simplicity

21 09 2009

I like John Maeda‘s thoughts on Simplicity. He likes MUJI, and especially likes how simply Muji expresses their point that achieving simplicity is deceptively complex because it is a thoughtful process.

MUJI is a Japanese company, and the most appropriate retail campany which can explain simplicity.

Here he talks about paring down to basics.


21 09 2009

Last Night, I lost sleep.

Not because of moving into new house, just snatchy, drunk music of violin or something else annoyed me. Even pretty music it’s annoying when I want to go to sleep.

I closed eyes, did nothing, but couldn’t help thinking the sound I heard. I spoke to myself :” Stop thinking!”, but it didn’t work at all. I imagined what the player was doing — was he or she throwing up and playing at the same time? The funnier I thought about, the harder to get some sleep.  That’s interesting but painful because I planned a lovely morning run on next day.

Then I got an idea: what if totally opposite or different pictures come out when we’re listening somthing. For example, we hear the noise of jet planes passing overhead, but we see an elephant snoring.

That will be interesting in animation what just has simple lines in a black background.


Next morning when I wake up, everything is perfect. I can hear warble and see the light of the early morning sun coming through the light blue curtain.