Happy Birthday, My Motherland!

2 10 2009

Yesterday was China’s 60th National Day. Happy Birthday, My Motherland!

Unfortunately, I got burned on my figures when I cooked.


I found a good book about simplicity.9783775718349 I quote some words from its back over.

      “Isn’t it strange that we are constantly developing new technologies to simplify our lives and work, but in the end we are left with the impression that everything’s just become a lot more complicated?

      SIMPLICITY — more than just the pipe dream of a society dominated by technical revolutions, global networks and inundations of information. No other concept of late has enjoyed such widespread popularity and so accurately expressed the needs of our times. Just how are we to cope with the increasing degree of complexity in the reality we in habit? how can we tap and utilize the potential of global communication in an efficient and responsible way? How can we develop systems, devices and programs that are responsive to our strengths and intuitive capabilities?

      … …

     SIMPLICITY is not the opposite of complexity–it is its complementary key.”