
29 01 2010

I looked at Isaac’s blog (http://diminutos.wordpress.com/) whose interesting work reminds me of my work in foundation course of BA.

It’s an installation. The project is about “Dialogue”. I give it a name,”I am… what am I?” The work that I did is a dialogue between my inner personality and outer expression. Sometimes I am not as what I express. What I am thinking is simple but express a complicated exaggerated expression. That’s common I think, people want to be active sometimes.

I made a plaster model of my face, and took some photos of my face in many expressions and painted them in different colours different patterns. Then I used a projector to show these exaggerated expressions on the model to make distorted effect.



It’s interesting that I can find contrast of simplicity and complexity everywhere even my previous work I almost ignore.

notes from MPR

21 01 2010

It seems like the Mid-Point Review has finished.
My project still has the biggest problem, it’s too broad. I thought I’ve narrowed down my aim when I want to use blurred or these simple figures. Actually, I didn’t. It’s still a huge topic, and out of focus. The better thing is it’s not too late.

  • The subject is too big, still needed a narrow one, and  “What is my choice?”
  • My primary aim is about relationship of simplicity and complexity. Can I focus on the relationship and balance them?
  • There is a discussion about how to present, like showing complex and simple video (same content) together, or removing more and more information from a complex scene… …
  • Bill gave me an interesting point that sometimes complexity is just under simplicity.
  • The video of out of focus could make viewers immersive. That’s a good news because it proves that the point I’m researching in my paper works in that video.

I must figure out these problems as much as I can and as soon as possible. Time is so tight, I have to finish my paper before middle of Feb as well.

three more tests

18 01 2010


11 01 2010

My primary aim is to explore relationship between simplicity and complexity and visually balance them. My initial idea is to create a work through two parts: nature and daily life. It’s too board and needed a definition. So Andy suggested me to go around and see what simplicity in my viewpoint is. I did it, and kept that in my mind, but I found I was so distracted outside, it is full of complexity. At the same time, simplicity and complexity are so hard to be clearly defined, the boundary is blurry. I can say this is simple but it’s complicated in another view. Because when we see something, we judge it through vision, background, sound and so on. There is so much information we received. It’s a variable answer and really depends on people’s personal understanding and experience. So I step back, think about an easier way to define my simplicity without confusion. Focusing on the visual simplicity may be more persuasive and easier to communicate with audience.

With the new idea I took some photos of the definition of simplicity as I think.

I pick one that I think is interesting. When I looked at the world, out of focus, it’s easy to turn to a quite simple world suddenly, especially lights which became many dots at night. These dots moved, mixed together and flashed, the picture looked like a film which was made of these dynamic dots. It’s interesting and made me immersed in the virtual abstract film.

So there is one direction I should try. Shooting complex scene (like nightlife) and then change it into a moving image which contains these simplest figures with real sound. Viewers will be able to imagine what happened through the abstract moving image and real sound. Because when we saw figural image, the visual information we received is too large, sometimes we can try to have an imagination through abstract (simple) image.

I need to observe and find some interesting and complicated scenes happened around, and make brainstorms to figure out how to connect with the shapes well in moving image. And sound or noise in real life can be used as a connection for my visual outcomes and complexity as well. I need more research on it.

I am learning processing, whatever I will use it in my project or not. I still not clearly know can it do an effect I need.

a Definition of Research Paper

8 01 2010

On Wednesday we talked about the abstract of research paper. My research question is too board. Andy talked about immersive experience in a new storytelling media (like a huge 3D screen) is different from an immersion in a minimal art work (such as a room with nothing in it). That’s an interesting contrast and I think I can compare two immersions and to express the viewpoint that there is another way to offer viewer an immersion without advanced technology.

So I need to narrow my question.

I want to explore different between immersion in new storytelling media and minimalism. It seems more information viewer received, the duration of viewer’s experience would be better. However, sometimes too much information might divert viewer’s attention; minimum information might immerse themselves in work or a musing with a board space. The purpose of contrast is to prove there is another direction about immersion we can consider instead of saying which one is better.

And I have a new title for my research paper,
Reading or Creating a story: immersion in new storytelling media and minimalism

some tests

3 01 2010

Here are three tests inspired by my previous photos of light. I think they are simple and pure.

I’m trying to do a processing work which can express similar effect like these. But programming is new and difficult for me. I hope I will learn faster and better.

pure fireworks&light

3 01 2010

On New Year’s Eve I didn’t attend the exciting countdown at London Eye. But I took some photos of the fireworks which is out of focus, I really like the effect when we look at the world slightly out of focus. It became simple and pure.