notes from MPR

21 01 2010

It seems like the Mid-Point Review has finished.
My project still has the biggest problem, it’s too broad. I thought I’ve narrowed down my aim when I want to use blurred or these simple figures. Actually, I didn’t. It’s still a huge topic, and out of focus. The better thing is it’s not too late.

  • The subject is too big, still needed a narrow one, and  “What is my choice?”
  • My primary aim is about relationship of simplicity and complexity. Can I focus on the relationship and balance them?
  • There is a discussion about how to present, like showing complex and simple video (same content) together, or removing more and more information from a complex scene… …
  • Bill gave me an interesting point that sometimes complexity is just under simplicity.
  • The video of out of focus could make viewers immersive. That’s a good news because it proves that the point I’m researching in my paper works in that video.

I must figure out these problems as much as I can and as soon as possible. Time is so tight, I have to finish my paper before middle of Feb as well.



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