Aims+Objectives (Draft)

10 10 2009

My primary aim is to explore relationship between simplicity and complexity visually. I’m considering exploring  it through daily life and vision.

How does simplicity transfer to complexity? and how does complexity transfer to simplicity?
How to balance them in the two parts?
What’s influence or distraction happening because of losing balance between them?
(What is audience’s choice, “Less is better” or “More is better”? and why?)

I’ll look for experience that we might run into in daily life through survey, observation and experience. Because complicating simple things happens everyday and everywhere. I should collect them and pick up something interesting. I should read these books introducing how to have a simple life or about simplicity as well, look at how minimalisms make their works and their thinking. Then for my work, I will think about methods simplifying complex things through interacting. In progress, I can photograph, shoot and draw to record.


Secondary aim is to develop a work through interaction or new media, digital media to represent my primary aim.

How to let audience make a choice?
How to make it more interesting or relevant to “simplicity and complexity”?

The interaction of my work should be related to the aim. I’m learning processing, and curry on as well. I hope it would be used and combined with the aim well.