First Post

18 09 2009

I have been busy with my residence in London recently. These days were mess, but fortunately they’ve ended.

It’s a bit late to start blogging now.

Here is my project proposal when I was applying for the course. I need more development and still looking for some inspirations for updating my project.

I want to explore an issue about too many distractions to concentrate on one thing. This is a common situation that people face everyday. Somebody may be worry, but somebody may not mind distraction, never even conscious of it. It’s harder and harder to try meditation (as in Zen) in modern society. I hope my work could let audience stop for a while to think about the issue.

Hiroshi Sugimoto is one of my favorite artists. His photography series “Seascapes” integrate harmonious composition and the beauty of nature to engender a sense of the sublime, of timelessness. Philosophical thinking of time and timeless is always brought from his works such as “Theaters” series. The Hasselblad Foundation’s citation: Sugimoto combines Eastern meditative ideas with Western cultural motifs.



I will use interview and survey with people of different ages, different culture backgrounds and different life styles for researching the issue. Photography is a great way to record and search as well. Then I will do many conceptions and tests for completing my theme.