The Laws of SIMPLICITY and my thinkings

22 09 2009


I just borrowed John Maeda’s book The Laws of Simplicity. It’s a really useful book for developing and supporting theory of my project.
My project proposal is to explore the issue that too many distractions to concentrate. Why does it happen over and over again? Because we live in a complex world, and there is full of information around us through our eyes, ears, mouths and noses.

For an example, if there is a complex, eye candy picture. Audience would say:” Oh, it’s a beautiful picture!” And the audience might forget it quickly. But if there is a very simple picture showing, audience would think about why it is so uncomplicated, does it have some special meanings behind it? Then they might look for the answers by themselves or read description. The simple one should be more impressive than the eye candy one in some ways.

As I mentioned before, the photographer,  Hiroshi Sugimoto, who did a lot of simple and meaningful works. His photos always bring philosophical thinking.

Here is a photo of his famous series “theater“,  the only thing we can see from the screen in the middle is white light and nothing else. In fact, it’s a movie which he took in one frame.  We can see every detail of theater clearly except the movie itself.