The paper about immersion

7 10 2009

I’ve read the paper “Two Myths about Immersion in New Storytelling Mediaā€¯ by Pierre Gander.

It’s a long, dialectic and useful article. I learned how to write a dissertation in a prudent methodical way, which is different from my previous essays in BA course.

He builds some arguments and then gives many examples to disprove them.

Whatever Gander’s paper argues two myths about immersion in new storytelling media are correct or incorrect. The more immersive audience’s experience is, the more successful the project is. That’s what I am looking for, at least.

One of two myths what he discusses in his article is “more is better” which is related to my project concept “simplicity and complexity” . In my opinion, “more is better” or “less is better” depends on audiences themselves or different surroundings. Just like a post I wrote couple days ago, sometimes a simple image or story is much more interesting and thought-provoking than a complicated one. More information or advanced technology may not increase immersion, but distracts audiences’ attention from the image or story.

So if we can’t decide which one is better, why not give the choice to audience? So I am considering to do an interactive work to lead audience choosing what they prefer.